






Sustainable Off-Grid Lighting Solutions in Nigeria
Inception Workshop

The main aim of the project is to promote private sector investment in sustainable off-grid lighting technologies by establishing a sound policy environment that facilitates the creation of a self-functioning and sustainable market in Nigeria. Such that, three components and outcomes have been developed to stimulate the uptake of off-grid, decentralised solar technologies, such as solar lanterns and SHS by BOP rural households by establishing and operationalising the private sector-led technology supply chain.

A project inception workshop will be held in May 2022, with the view to:

a) Re-orient project stakeholders to the project strategy and discuss any changes in the overall context that influence project strategy and implementation,

b) Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the project team, including reporting and communication lines and conflict resolution mechanisms,

c) Review the results framework and finalize the indicators, means of verification and monitoring plan,

d) Discuss reporting, monitoring and evaluation roles and responsibilities and finalize the M&E budget; identify national/regional institutes to be involved in project-level M&E; discuss the role of the GEF OFP in M&E,

e) Update and review responsibilities for monitoring the various project plans and strategies, including the risk log; SESP, Environmental and Social Management Plan and other safeguard requirements; project grievance mechanisms; the gender strategy; the knowledge management strategy, and other relevant strategies,

f) Review financial reporting procedures and mandatory requirements, and agree on the arrangements for the annual audit; and,

g) Plan and schedule Project Board meetings and finalize the first year annual work plan,

h) Formally launch the Project.


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