






Invitation for Prequalification of Solar Home System Implementation in Selected Rural Communities in Nigeria

1.1 The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are working with the Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Rural Electrification of Nigeria, to implement a climate change mitigation project titled “Derisking Sustainable Off-grid Lighting Solutions” in Nigeria.

The overall objective of this project is to develop a private sector-led technology value for making off-grid renewable energy technologies, such as Solar Home Systems, available to base-of-pyramid rural households who would not be electrified at least until after 2025.

The project rationale is underpinned by the approach to derisk private sector investments in the market for rural decentralised renewable energy access. This will be achieved by developing business cases to support appropriate policies, programmes and regulations that addresses policy, awareness and financial barriers to facilitate investment in sustainable off-grid lighting solutions and corresponding business models; Off-grid lighting providers are operating and have access to working capital and equipment; and good practices, lessons learned, market assessments, demand-supply surveys, delivery models and business models are documented to support replication and scaling-up of project results.

The lifetime global environmental benefits that will accrue from the adoption of off-grid solar technologies is estimated at ~108,250 ktCO2e. Consequential emission reductions amounting to ~5,644 ktCO2e are expected between 2020 and 2029 predominantly through the replication of the sustainable technology value chain.


2.1  The outline of the scope of work includes projects that are to be funded through a one-off partial capital grant operated on a commercial arrangement, based on sustainable business models for the base-of-pyramid rural households in selected communities across the six (6) Geo-political zones


3.1  Applicants are required to submit genuine copies of the following documents as proof of their eligibility:

i.   Certificate of incorporation with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) including copies of CAC forms 1.1, CO2, and CO7 attached.

ii.   Sworn Affidavit:
• Disclosing whether or not any officer of the relevant Agencies of Rural Electrification Agency, GEF, UNDP or the Bureau of Public Procurement is a former or present Director, stakeholder or has any pecuniary interest in the applicant.
• That the company is presently NOT in receivership or subject to any form of insolvency or bankruptcy or winding up petition or proceedings.
• That no Director of the company has ever been convicted in any country of any criminal offense bordering on fraud or financial impropriety; and
• To confirm that all information presented in its application are true and correct in all particular.

iii. Evidence of financial capability to execute the project by submission of reference letter and statement of account from a reputable commercial bank in Nigeria, indicating a willingness to provide credit facility for the execution of the project when needed.

iv.   Duly executed Power of attorney or Board Resolution authorizing a designated officer of the company to act as a representative and to bind the company by signing all bids, contract agreement, and other documents with REA on behalf of the company, duly signed by the chairman and secretary.

v.   Applicants are required to fulfil the following technical and financial requirements and provide documents as proof:

i.    Applicant's company profile showing capacity in renewable energy, off-grid or rural electrification especially SHS deployments in rural communities of Nigeria.

ii.    CVs and professional certificates of 3 key personnel of the applicant comprising of:
• 2 experts (at least 1 female) with a minimum of 2 years' experience relevant to the implementation of Solar Home Systems.

iii.    Verifiable evidence of the applicant's experience on 3 projects in the past 2 years leading to:
• Robust business case for SHS projects in rural communities
• Acquisition of grants, equity, or debt for implementation of SHS projects in Nigeria.


4.1  Interested applicants are requested to respond to this Invitation for prequalification, with all required documents as outlined in the eligibility requirements through the following online platform; www.dsols.gefundp.rea.gov.ng

4.2  Submission deadline is 5.00 pm (WAT) on Friday 25th August 2023. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Documents sent by hand will not be accepted.

4.3  Further instructions and the prequalification document are available on the Web-based Application Platform.


5.1  Submissions will be opened in a hybrid physical-virtual ceremony in the presence of the applicants' designated representatives at 5.00pm (WAT) on Friday, 25th August 2023.


6.1  The Applicants shall be evaluated using the requirements defined in the Evaluation Criteria, and attached to the prequalification document.

6.2  The evaluation will focus on (i) eligibility and (ii) technical and financial capacity of applicants to deliver the project - as demonstrated by the Applicant's responses in the forms attached to the Prequalification document.

6.3  An invitation to Request for Grant (RfG) shall be sent to the prequalified applicants


7.1   This advertisement is published only for information purposes and does not constitute an offer, commitment, or obligation by REA, GEF or UNDP to transact with any party nor entitle any project developer to make any claims, whatsoever, or seek any indemnity from the Agencies.

Female led enterprises are highly encouraged to apply


All enquiries and requests for clarification regarding this publication may be directed to:

Project Manager
Derisking Sustainable Offgrid Lighting Solutions (DSOLS) Project in Nigeria
22 Freetown Street, Wuse 2, Abuja.
E-mail: dsols.gefundp@rea.gov.ng
Web: www.dsols.gefundp.rea.gov.ng

Closing Date: Friday 25th August, 2023 at 5:00pm (WAT).


Application are now
